Notes on Digital Image Techniques

Digital image techniques
Digital image technique

Digital Image Technique

Introduction :-

A digital image is an array of no depicting spatial distribution of a certain field or parameter.
It is digital representation in the form of row and columns , where each number of array represents the relative value of the parameter at that point/over the unit area.

Source of multispectral image data

The various types of scanner used on areal and space borns platforms constitute the basic source and provide the bulk of remote sensing multispectral digital imagery.

Techniques of digital image processing :-

  1. Radiometric correction 
  2. Geometric image correction
  3. Image register 
  4. Image enhancement 
  5. Image filtering 
  6. Image transformation 
  7. Color of enhancement 
  8. Image segmentation 
  9. Image fusion
  10.  2.5 dimensional visualization 
  11. Classification 

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